What does “sustainability” mean in an ecosystem such as that represented by the graubünden regional brand with its numerous licensees and partners? And what role can and must the graubünden brand play in this system?
The graubünden brand wants to actively shape the path to a sustainable future together with its partner network. This is based on the realization that a consistently sustainable orientation is what distinguishes successful, sustainable brands. For this reason, the graubünden brand office is intensively addressing these issues as part of a participatory development process and launches a broad discourse on sustainability.
As a result of a full-day workshop with 25 selected sustainability experts and the conceptual deepening of the contents, the office Marke graubünden has derived four fields of action. These are “Network & Competence”, “Agenda”, “Monitoring” and “Communication”. Project manager Andrea Beerli from the graubünden brand office explained the content and direction of the fields of action at the brand day. With the activation of the graubünden network, a regional collaboration platform is to be established, knowledge shared and professional support made possible. With the development of a sustainability agenda, commitment is to be established and communicative value is to be created for the sustainable commitment of the partners.

«One of the great strengths of the regional brand is its partner network, which includes a large number of companies, organizations and institutions from a wide range of industries. This network, with its diverse competencies and qualities, therefore also plays a decisive role in the brand’s sustainability process.»
Gieri Spescha, Partner Quant AG
With 180 registrations, the annual event of the graubünden regional brand set a new record for attendance. Two top-class keynotes provided further inspiration and exciting insights at the Brand Day. The editorial team of Südostschweiz / Bündner Tagblatt summarizes the impressions of the brand day in an article from 18.11.2022 for (Article available in german language only).