Emotional platforms
Where people meet
Whether art, design, architecture, culture, drama, opera, theatre or sporting events – what is created with passion, cultivated and staged in a unique environment guarantees emotional platforms where people meet who have a lot to tell each other. This creates stories that leave traces, establish friendships and become the content of multi-faceted themes that connect.
For Quant, every vision is always unique and requires an individual concept. That is why we follow an integral development approach when developing an emotional platform. In addition to an overarching overall strategy, we develop comprehensive experience concepts and at the same time ensure implementation or transfer into reality.
With the creation of encounters based on a common denominator outside of everyday life, personal connections are created that can be of inestimable value. From the shared enthusiasm and joy experienced together, we create sustainable added value for all involved.
Our ideas and solutions are always developed against the background of an in-depth examination of local conditions; the everyday life, the culture, the values and the customs of the place where a project is realised.
As a total contractor and general planner, Quant, together with international partners, designs, realises and implements infrastructures for cultural, social and business platforms.
For demanding and extensive projects, we also assume overall responsibility for the management as well as for the budget and detailed resource planning. At the same time, we ensure compliance with quality standards and guarantee implementation according to predefined timings.